New Officers Elected and New Class Initiated.
We have just initiated the Fall 2023 (Gamma) Class.
Introducing the new Chapter Officers as well as the chairmen for the 2024 year.
President "A" - Braeden Keuneke
Vice President - "B" - Joe Giannelli IV
Secretary "C" - Tyler Keefe
Treasurer "D" - Leo Wang
Alumni Relations "E" - Miguel Barriga
Sergeant-at-Arms "F" - Richard 'Ricky' Main
Associate Member Counselor - Michael Osswald
New Chair Positions were chosen as well:
Social Chairs - Jeremy Barclay and Luigi Defilippo
Scholarship Chair - Apurbo Barua
Philanthropy Chairs - Kyle Buchanan and Dean Corneiro
Brotherhood Chairs - Jake Frost and Chance Lawrence
Recruitment Chair - Caleb Kerekes
Special Events Coordinator - Sean McDougall
Housing Manager - Michael Osswald
Historian - Jose 'Jr' Chavarria
Public Relations (PR) Chair - Dillon Engen
Apparel Chair - Dean Corneiro
Community Service Chair - Jose 'Jr' Chavarria
Health and Wellness Chair - Santino Stopani
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Chair - Jason Love
Intramural Chair- Nathan Lewison